Discord: i24titan Andrew Parris is a seasoned Broadcast Television Engineer with over 43 years of experience and three Technical Emmy awards. He served NASA from 1987 to 2000, contributing to Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions, and even traveled globally to document NASA activities. After leaving NASA, Andrew joined Mark Cuban to launch HDNet, the first all high-definition television network, and later directed the HDTV coverage of the STS-114 mission. Passionate about space, he became a volunteer at Space Center Houston and founded The Inspired 24, a group promoting space democratization. An active participant in Web 3 space initiatives, Andrew continues to pursue his dream of becoming a Commercial Astronaut, engaging in microgravity flights and preparing for future stratospheric balloon missions. He resides in Houston, TX, with his wife of over 40 years, two children, and two grandchildren.