Governance Guide
Step 0: Participate in Governance While not explicitly required, we recommend becoming a member and familiarizing yourself with our processes. You can obtain $MOONEY, our governance token, here. This will allow you to vote on proposals and co-govern MoonDAO. New proposals go up for a vote once a week on Thursdays for a five-day voting period, at minimum.
Step 1: Ideation Even if you’re not a member, you can pitch an idea or weigh in on other people’s ideas in our Ideation channel - there is no formal structure to post, and anyone can share a loose idea for feedback. No pressure.
Step 2: Submit a Proposal When you’re ready to submit a more formal proposal, you can do so here. Most successful submissions have already been discussed in ideation to improve them and get feedback, but you may also submit directly without a thread in ideation.
Step 3: Townhall Discussion Every Thursday at 3PM Eastern we discuss proposals in Discord in the Ground-Control voice channel. Everyone is welcome to listen and participate. We record these meetings as well and you can view previous town halls on our YouTube channel.
- Wednesday 3PM Eastern: Proposal Submission Deadline. The proposal may be edited up until the town hall begins, but the submission should be made at least 24 hours before the meeting.
- Thursday 3PM Eastern: Townhall Discussion. Please be prepared to present your proposal during the next town hall after submission and be prepared to answer questions.
- Thursday 7PM Eastern: Snapshot Vote Opens, if the proposal passes Senate temperature check.
- Tuesday 7PM Eastern: Snapshot Vote closes.
- If the proposal passes, we proceed to on-chain execution and queue the transaction for review by the treasury multi-sig signers in order to fund the project.
High-level Governance Overview
MoonDAO is composed of three governing bodies:
- The MoonDAO Senate. This is a group of project leads that review incoming proposals and perform due-diligence before it goes up to vote for the rest of the DAO.
- Member House. The member house is composed of all the $vMOONEY holders which grants the right to vote. We use off-chain voting of onchain $MOONEY tokens that are locked. Voting Hub.
- Executive Branch. If the vote is approved by the DAO, our on-chain smart contract signers execute the proposal from our Gnosis Treasury.
Please read our constitution for definitions and in-depth detail.
We are in the process of implementing all features of our Constitution onchain.
For now, the current governance system for MoonDAO works as follows:
Proposal Flow
- Anyone can create a proposal. To begin, create a post in the ideation channel and get feedback on the idea from the community. Once the idea is fully formed, you may formalize the proposal for submission
- The Senate will do due-diligence on the proposal for constitutionality and mission-alignment, if the proposal receives more than 70% approval from the Senate it moves to a vote by all the $vMOONEY holders in the Member House. Seats on the senate can not be bought, the Senate is composed of people that are leading or have lead MoonDAO projects.
- The $vMOONEY holders vote on the proposal, if a super majority agree it goes to the treasury for signing.
- The Treasury signers execute the proposal’s onchain components (sending funds, or implementing an onchain update to the DAO’s functions).
Senate Meetings
The Senate meets on a weekly basis (at the Town Hall event) to review incoming proposals. Senate meetings are a forum for the Senators to ask deeper questions about a proposal and conduct due-diligence about the submission prior to a member vote.
During and after the Town Hall, the Senate has an anonymous voting window to determine whether the proposal is valid and constitutionally-aligned with MoonDAO’s values.
Proposal Timing
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.
We are trying to optimize the speed that our DAO moves without sacrificing on quality of decision-making or decentralization. From the time of proposal approval, please expect approximately two weeks until the funds are sent from our treasury.
General timing expectations:
- Submit a proposal to the Senate before the Town Hall time (preferably 48 hours in advance).
- vMOONEY Member House has a five day voting period for project proposals and 10 days for governance related changes.
- On-chain execution of funding within seven days, ideally less, of voter approval.
Therefore, please expect at least 12-15 days for a proposal to go through to the funding stage.