

Reading List catch up

  • @PasqualeEtAl2022
    • Used interesting optimization techniques to solve for optimal constellation configurations
      • “optimal” meaning the least number of satellites
      • tuned parameters being number of satellites, orbit (semi major axis, eccentricity, inclination, pericenter anomaly the same for all elements in the constellation)
      • RAAN and true anomaly for every i constellation elements
      • Considered surface and orbital users, each wanting to maximize time of visibility and minimize dilution of precision
    • The analysis found three optimal configurations, each with slightly different goals.
      1. One serving south pole
      2. One serving equator and north pole
      3. One for whole-surface coverage
    • @phil: Let’s focus our analysis using these orbits as our baseline constellation configurations.
      • For each constellation (1, 2, and 3)
        • How would network traffic actually look with a bunch of orbital and surface users?
        • How would network traffic change if some nodes had different capabilities (range, signal integrity, etc)?
        • How would network traffic change if every node had decentralized access, and service could not be refused?
      • What if some nodes were “servers” and others were “consumers”? How would that affect all of these questions?
  • @Naseem2022

objectives/interests for our special sauce

  • credible neutrality among adversarial actors
  • open and permissionless - can’t refuse service. what happens?
  • how does the assumptions of decentralized actors impacts the effectiveness of different topologies
  • take inspiration from spam mitigation
    • use fees as an inhibitor
    • web3 gas auctions?
    • have servers earn tokens, and use gas to send and receive (in MOONEY)
      • larger servers have more influence in MOONEY because they have more influence in the system governed by it!